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History of the

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Waco

<this page is devoted to our Fellowship in Waco - click here for information about the history of Unitarian Universalism>

The Waco Unitarian Fellowship was founded in the early 1950s when several families began meeting in the home of Johnny and Neecie Vanston. In 1957, we received official recognition from the Unitarian Association in Boston. After meeting in homes and rented facilities for 20+ years, in 1978 we bought our first home at 707 N. 19th Street. We celebrated our 50th anniversary in January and February 2007!

In 1984, the year the UUA adopted its Seven Principles, we completed this quilt which became the focal point for our sanctuary. The quilt squares represent Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Waco (UUWaco) values nominated by children and adults during a worship service in 1982.



In March 1992, we moved into our current home at 4209 N. 27th Street and loved it!  Click the following link to see pictures of our beautiful building and grounds.


Under the direction of members Jane Kittner (architect) and Robin Cole (master builder), and with hours of “sweat equity” by David McLatcher and “Robin’s Renovators,” construction began in 1997 in the southeast wing. In October 1999, we moved into our beautiful new sanctuary.



Since its beginning, major themes have guided the life of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Waco:


1) the active inclusion of our children in virtually all aspects of our communal life;

2) the celebration, enjoyment, love, and care for each other in our respective life journeys; and


3) committed social action seeking to make the world more just and compassionate for all.

Together we worship, participate in small group ministry and social action, enjoy potluck dinners, celebrate at Waldo’s Coffeehouse, relax and rejuvenate at Fort Parker Retreat, and relax and meditate in our Memorial Garden.

In 2009-2010, we developed our UUWaco Core Values of Compassion, Inclusion, Spiritual Growth, Inquiry, Celebration.

We also created our Mission Statement: The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Waco is an inclusive spiritual community that reaches out and inspires people to live meaningful, joyful lives of service toward the creation of a more just and loving world.

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